I believe in God the Mother because the Bible testifies to “God the Mother” as well as God the Father. However, there are those who insist that there is no God the Mother in the Bible. In a Christian magazine, a professor of a theological college wrote that he would disclose why God the Mother does not exist in the Bible. He claimed that “the wife of the Lamb”, “the bride” or “the New Jerusalem” is the church (saints.) It appears that he does not know he is degrading divine nature and power of God by insisting a non-Biblical claim. Let’s look at why his claim is false.
1. Regarding the claim that the wife of the Lamb is not God the Mother
He said that the wife of the Lamb in Revelation Chapter 19 is the saints whose bridegroom is the Christ (2 Co 11:2.) Is his argument correct?
Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready… “Write: ‘Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!” (Revelation 19:7-9)
It’s a parable about a heavenly wedding banquet. In the wedding banquet, the bridegroom [the Lamb], the bride [the wife of the Lamb] and the guests [those who invited] are found. The Lamb who is the bridegroom is, as everybody admits, God the Father. Then, who are “those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb”? Since they are guests who are “invited” to the wedding banquet, they cannot be the bridegroom or the bride. If the bride stands for the saints, who does “those who are invited” refer to? They are the saints who will receive the blessings of eternal life. Therefore, the wife of the Lamb is the wife of God the Father, that is God the Mother.
2. Regarding the claim that the bride in Revelation Chapter 22 is not God the Mother
He said that the bride stands for the saints.
The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life. (Revelation 22:17)
His claim does not make sense. If the bride were not God the Mother but the saints, does it mean that the saints have the water of life or eternal life? If then, who will receive the water of life from them? The Bible teaches that only God, or the Savior, can give us the water of life. In the age of the Father, God the Father Jehovah gave the water of life, and in the age of the Son, God the Son Jesus did. In this age of the Holy Spirit, it’s prophesied that the Spirit and the bride is to give us the water of life. In Revelation Chapter 21, it’s written that God, who is the Alpha and the Omega, will give the water of life, and in the next Chapter, it’s written that the Spirit and the bride will do. The Spirit and the bride are Gods: God the Father and God the Mother.
3. Regarding the claim that the New Jerusalem is not the bride or God the Mother
I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. (Revelation 21:2)
The professor claimed: like the passage “as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband,” it’s a parable and does not mean that the bride is God the Mother. Is his claim right? Let’s read the Bible a little further with patience. In Verse 9 of the same Chapter, an angel disclosed correctly who was the one John had guessed as a bride.
One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.” And he carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God. (Revelation 21:9-10)
The bride is the Holy City, Jerusalem. It’s not a parable, but the testimony. Who is Jerusalem? The Apostle Paul clearly testified who is the Heavenly Jerusalem John saw.
But the Jerusalem that is above [in heaven] is free, and she is our mother. (Galatians 4:26)
The Apostle Paul testified that the Heavenly Jerusalem is our God the Mother. The Heavenly Jerusalem, John saw, coming down out of heaven, is our God the Mother. As you see, the Bible testifies to God the Mother as well as God the Father.
The professor of a theological college, who denied God the Mother, praised God, saying “God is transcendent.” If he had said it sincerely, he would have believed that God is also able to come in the flesh. God is omnipotent, isn’t He? The professor blamed the World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) for trying to limit God to appearance of humans. He highly misunderstood the Church. The Church of God does not limit God to appearance of humans, but believes Almighty God who can exist in any appearance: in the flesh or in Spirit!
His claim that God exists in Spirit only because “God is God, not a man,” made me feel heavy. It’s because his claim limits divine nature and power of God. Many people praise the transcendent God, but inconsistently think that “God cannot come as a human.” They have been deceived by a lie. Please do not be misled any longer.
The existence of a mother who gives life, both biblically and naturally, is essential.
Our instincts feel more need for our God the Mother.
God the mother is clearly written in the bible from the beginning to the end!
No doubt!
When we see the Bible as well as the principles of God’s creation, we feel the need of God our Mother.
I think you should know how dreadful it can be to make a judgement that you don’t know very well.
Or perhaps God the Mother made the wrong decision about the stereotype that wasn’t in the Bible.
I think it is natural to believe in God the Mother through the Bible. Just like believing in God the Father.
So many Christians have a fixed idea that God the Father does only exist. But when we look into the Bible without this fixed idea and accept the records of the Bible as they are, we can easily understand the existence of God the Mother. She is the Mother of our souls and has come to this earth to give us salvation and eternal life. How thankful it is!!
Two kinds of people in the world! According to the Bible, only those who receive God the Mother will inherit heaven’s kingdom.Heaven is the place where there’s no more death. So, the perishable are not allowed to enter!
This article is very helpful for me to understand about the existence of God the Mother. The explanation is based on the Bible, not on the thoughts of men. It clearly testifies about God the Mother who is the source of the water of life in this age. Thanks to Elohim God.
Who can be born without mother? Who can give us spiritual life? Only God the Mother! Heavenly Mother came down to save us from eternal death!
Hevenly mother is truly our savior in this age.
The bible testify the heavenly mother exist.. Let us believe god the mother and get eternal life.
2000 years ago apostle Paul knew Heavenly Mother..But the Jerusalem that is above [in heaven] is free, and she is our mother. (Galatians 4:26)..amazing.
Without Mother, we cannot receive salvation. That’s the truth that no one can realize unless they meet the second coming Christ, because He is the one who can reveal Her to us.
Good news!
The World Mission Society Church of God was bestowed with The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, by following the teachings of the Bible and emulating the loving heart of Mother.
Those who say “There is no God” is called “the wicked or the fool” (Ps10:4, 14:1, 53:1).
Those who deny God the Mother is the same.
Find out God the Mother in the Bible. So we will have eternal life.
saints = plural
wife of the lamb = bride= Heavenly Jerusalem = singular
Anyone of the saints cannot give the water of life to us.
Only our savior (God) can give us the water of life!
I give all thanks to Heavenly Mother who came to this earth in the flesh according to Bible’s prophecy.
No doubts!!!
No doubt at all~!!
Without mother, no children
If we are children of God. .we also should have not only God the Father but also God the Mother~!!
Praise and thanks to Elohim God forever to give us eternal life~♡
Is there anyone who are born without mother?
Just as life is given us by our natural mothers, so our spiritual life (eternal life) is given us by our spiritual Mother. God let us know this fact through the principle of this world created by Him.
God the Mother surely exists..!!!!
Yes!! The Bible clearly testify about this!!! Their excuse is not reasonable!!
Heavenly Mother is surely exist.
If there is no physical mother, how we born in this world?
It is same..
If there is no Heavenly Mother, how can our soul born?
Bible also testity about Heavenly Mother!
Clear answer….!!! No doubt…
No doubts can be made with the existence of God the Mother!
We must abandon our prejudice and see the Bible to understand and receive God the Mother.
The entire 66 books of the Bible clearly testify about God the Mother.
for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready;
it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure”—for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints.
>> There is NO DOUBT that the Bride means the SAINTS~!
Please read the following verses carefully:
Revelation 19:7-9 “Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come and his bride has made herself rady… (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of the saints.) Then the angel said to me, “Write: Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!…”
We, who are saints, are those who are invited to the wedding ceremony, not the bride. The guests to the wedding banquet and the bride cannot be identical.
Who is the bride? The Bible says:
Revelation 21:9-10 “One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues came and said to me [the Apostle John], “Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.”… and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God…”
The bride, the wife of the Lamb, is Heavenly Jerusalem.
About Heavenly Jerusalem, the Apostle Paul witnessed that she is our mother:
Galatians 4:26 “But the Jerusalem that is above [in heaven] is free, and she is our mother.”
If the bride is the saints, the bride is Heavenly Jerusalem who is our mother. Then, who are “our” in “our Mother”? Think it carefully. The bride is our [saints’] mother not “saints’ saints”.
In the last days, the Spirit and the bride give us the water of life (Revelation 22:17.)
The saints cannot give the water of life to other saints. Only God has authority to give us the water of life.
The bride can be interpreted as the saints in some verses of the Bible. However, you know, one word does not have only one meaning. For example, the lamb can be the saints in some verses but the lamb also can be interpreted as Jesus in other verses.
The bride in Revelation Chapters 19, 21 and 22 is God who gives us the water of life.
From the word “Father”, we can easily understand there is “Mother” and children.
No Mother, No child
likewise, No God the Mother, No God’s children.
In Gal 4 :26 says that ” but the Jerusalem that is above is free, she is our mother ”
in above, what does the is ( verbs) mean?
” Is ” means exist that is there is in heaven
Who? Our Heavenly Mother
Therefore, the slanders who say there is no mother are liar
Just as the Bible testifies to the existence of God the Father (Mt 6:9), so the same Bible also testifies the existence of God the Mother (Heavenly Mother.)
We should rely on the Bible to get salvation (John 5:39.)
The Bible says that the Spirit and the Bride give us the water of life or eternal life in this age of the Holy Spirit (Revelation 22:17.)
Then, what should we do? We must seek and believe in the Spirit and the Bride who give us eternal life in this age.
If someone ignores the word of the Bible because he/she cannot understand it, can he/she be saved?
Please look at the Bible and believe in God the Mother who is testified by the Bible from the first book Genesis to the last book Revelation.
Father is a title used within a family.
God let us know the existence of God the Mother through the expression “God the Father.”
Actually, the 66 books of the Scriptures testify to God the Mother.
God created man in the image of God: male and female. This means that there are two images of God: male image of God and female image of God.
The Bible clearly testifies about God the Mother’s existence.
Through God the Mother, we can get the eternal life.
[Additional Explanation]
The NCPCOG and opposers falsely claim that God the Mother does not exist because Christ Ahnsahnghong said that there is not God the Mother in the book titled “Explanation on the New Jerusalem and the Bride, and on Women’s Veil.” They insist such a claim by citing Christ Ahnsahnghong’s book without mentioning the situation. This book was written for judging the false bride, Eom Su-in who claimed that she herself was the bride and even tried to change the truth, by insisting that women did not need to cover their heads. Later, Christ Ahnsahnghong recalled the copies of the book and disposed them. Please see the following short video:
If we truly believe the bible and cherish the words of God in the bible, then there is nothing we can do but believe the existence of God the mother b/c it’s so clearly testified.
all glory to our heavenly mother and christ ann sahn hong..it is clear as day,there wicked hearts and lawless ways make it impossible to see truth,it is a calling only for gods people (the guest at the wedding banquet,,,u are not having a wedding banquet without the bride period,,first off a wedding is all about the bride it is her day,,and second the bride always comes last,,and is always unveiled by the groom,,there is much more than just a few scripture testifying of her,,i stake my life forever on it,,elohim has changed my life and i would die for it in a hear t beat
God the Mother is clearly testified in the Bible, and She came to this earth according to all the prophecies. 🙂
If we deny the existence of God the Mother, we are unable to study the Bible without any contradiction. Then how we can long for heaven?