Today, there are people who call themselves “Orthodox” while worshiping on Sunday which is not based on the Bible and distorting the truth by claiming that “Jesus did not keep the Sabbath day” with regard to the verse indicating that Jesus observed the Sabbath day. Yet, they overlook one thing: if they misinterpret the verse regarding the Sabbath day kept by Jesus as “Jesus did not keep the Sabbath”, they lose the slightest opportunity to justify the “Sunday service” they observe.
First, let’s see the verse about the Sabbath day observed by Jesus.
He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom. And he stood up to read. (Luke 4:16)
About the above Verse, they distort the truth by saying: “At first glance, it seems that Jesus kept the Sabbath day. However, if you read it carefully once more, you will find that there is no word “observe.” The Bible says, “On the Sabbath day, Jesus went into the synagogue to read the Bible.” Can we understand it today as ‘Jesus observed the Sabbath day?’”
They insist that it’s not about keeping the Sabbath day since there is no direct expression “observe”. Then, let’s apply their logic to the Sunday service the same way. Are there any verses indicating Jesus kept the Sunday service? At least, is there any record that Jesus went into the synagogue to read the Bible on Sunday? They must first provide the ground for the Sunday service before they argue about the Sabbath day. They distort the truth by claiming that the Sabbath day was not observed although there is a record of keeping the Sabbath day. I wonder on what ground they keep the Sunday service. Isn’t it strange?
The word “custom” is the translation of the Greek word “ἔθω (εἰωθὸς)”, which means “custom, common practice or ritual.” In other words, we can confirm that the Sabbath day is a day observed as a custom, common practice or ritual. Of course, since the Sabbath day is one of God’s Commandments, it can be also called “as his custom was or as he did as usual.” It’s because Jesus observed the Sabbath day as his custom was or as he did as usual.
Why do they diligently keep the Sunday service which was not kept by Jesus without considering observing the Sabbath day kept by Jesus? Believing in God with lips only; the demons also do. The demons also believe in God (James 2:19), the demons also acknowledged Jesus as the Lord (Matthew 8:29), and even the evil spirit said he knew Jesus (Acts 19:15.) If we get salvation as long as we believe without action, it can be also said that the demons and evil spirits who are destined to be destroyed will be saved. The difference between the devils who are destined to be destroyed and the Christians who will be saved depends on whether or not to do according to the words of God.
Exodus 31:13 New International Version (NIV)
13 “Say to the Israelites, ‘You must observe my Sabbaths. This will be a sign between me and you for the generations to come, so you may know that I am the Lord, who makes you holy.
Matthew 12:8 New International Version (NIV)
8 For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.”
God’s day is Sabbath. Therefore there is NO excuse!! How clear it is!!
Amen! It’s so clear that the Lord’s Day is the Sabbath day not Sunday according to the Bible. It’s important to follow the teaching of the Bible. (Sunday is a mere man-made teaching and has nothing to do with God.
Most Christians misunderstand that everyone who believes in God will be saved. But the Bible says differently:
Only those who follow the will of God can enter the kingdom of heaven. What’s the will of God: keeping the Sabbath or keeping the Sunday service? We should keep the Sabbath day to enter the kingdom of heaven.
According to the teachings of the Bible, WMSCOG keeps the Sabbath day.
The Sabbath day is a sign between God and God’s people (Exodus 31:13). By keeping the Sabbath day, we can become the children of God. The World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) keeps the Sabbath of the new covenant, not that of the old covenant.
Why do we need to keep commandments that has nothing to do with God? If we claim that we ourselves are God’s children, we need to keep His commandments.
We should know the correct worship day. Sunday service is not based on the Bible but it’s a mere man-made teaching introduced by the Roman Catholic Church.
Even the Roman Catholic Church acknowledged that Sunday is not based on the Bible and it’s adopted by the Roman Catholic Church.
It’s obvious that Sunday is not based on the Bible. However, those who keep the Sunday service insist that the Sunday service is found in the Bible and blame the Church of God for keeping the Sabbath day. This post shows that their claim is not true. Sunday originated from a pagan custom for celebrating the sun-god: Mithra. Therefore, those who keep the Sunday service worship God in vain.
Sunday, Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving Day… All these are not based on the Bible and they are mere man-made rules, which cannot save us. How can we get salvation by following man-made rules which originated from pagan customs? Instead, we should keep the new covenant including the Sabbath day. The World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) obeys the new covenant by following the teachings of Jesus.
Really there is no record of keeping the Sunday service in the Bible. However, there are people who insist that the disciples worshiped on Sunday after Jesus’ Ascension. They show their ignorance. It’s well know fact that the Sunday service started to be kept from the 2nd century after all disciples died. In around 321 AD, when the Roman Emperor Constantine enacted an ordinance to rest on the first day of the week or Sunday, the Sabbath disappeared completely. The following video shows that the correct worship day is the Sabbath not Sunday: