A news article attracted my attention: a two-year old girl named Matheryn Noavaratpong has been cryopreserved in the hope she will one day be revived. She lost 80 per cent of the left side of her brain due to brain tumor. Despite putting up a tough fight, the cancer eventually spread across the entirety of Matheryn’s brain. At last, they decided to cryopreserve her body until a cure is found and means to regrow her body are discovered.
I could feel the sentiment of her parents who wanted to revive somehow. However, if they had known that the essence of life does not depend on earthly body but on the spirit which belongs to the breath of life of God, they would not have acted as such.
And the LORD heard the voice of Elijah; and the soul of the child came into him again, and he revived. (1 Kings 17:22)
The Bible teaches us that the boy lived when his soul returned to him. On the contrary, when the soul of the child wasn’t in his body, we was dead. Therefore, the essence of life is “soul”; whether the body is alive or dead should be determined by whether the soul is in the body or not.
However, her parents did not realize that the essence of life is soul and determined to freeze (cryopreserve) her body. Will there be life within the frozen body? Will she be able to regain her life when her body is warmed up again?
This article reminded me of the importance of realizing the principle of our souls. In addition, how it is important to know that we should receive the Savior of this age – Christ Ahnsahnghong – and the Passover of new covenant, the truth of life, while we are on this earth…
Our essence of life is soul!!! So we should prepare the spritual life!!!
Woe to them!! The soul 100% exists. The parents should have noticed the existence of souls.
Right… Even though people make efforts to extend their life a bit more, there will be the end of physical live on this earth… According to the passage above, her parents want to make her live longer and decide to cryopreserve her body, but she will need to undergo treatments for brain cencer and live untill span of human life(in the case of full recovery). Therefore, people need to care our spiritual life which is the essence of our life, and the Passover is the way to get God’s promise of eternal life.
To know way to eternal life is most important thing in our life. Our essence of life is soul, our souls will live forever after receiving eternal life. Way to eternal life is keeping the Passover. Receive the Savior and eternal life.
The essence of life is soul. There must be the soul!! Therefore the preparation for our spiritual life is very important while we are living in this world. For this, God the Father Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother has come to this earth according to the prophecy of the Bible. For our eternal life, plz receive our God!!
Those who understand the principle of the soul will realize that the soul is more important. Jesus came to the earth to give us the life of soul or eternal life through the Passover. While keeping the Passover, He promised the forgiveness of sins (Matthew 26:28.) In this age, Christ Ahnsahnghong restored the Passover of the new covenant and opened the way to the kingdom of heaven again according to the prophecy of the Bible.
This is really sad and scary actually. We should all receive the true miracle – the Passover instead of cryopreserving bodies.