God the Mother does not exist! Revelation occurs after the end of the world.
An argument that I encountered today when I was preaching about God the Mother.
The person kept on insisting that there is no God the Mother (Heavenly Mother) because Revelation 21 is a prophecy that will take place after the end of the world.
Here, the angel said,
And about the bride,
we can understand the Spirit and the Bride can give us the water of life. If Revelation 21 is a prophecy that must occur after the end of the world, the Spirit and the Bride must give us the water of life after the end of the world. When there’s nothing left, in the emptiness, God is going to grant the water of life. Very strange, isn’t it?
Now, the slanderers are going to say that God is going to grant us the water of life in the kingdom of heaven. Then, those who enter the kingdom of heaven, do they have the choice to choose whether or not to live forever with the water of life in the kingdom of heaven?
I didn’t know that heaven was a place where we can choose NOT to live eternally. LOL
And also Revelation 21 says, Jerusalem must come to this earth. If this occurs after the earth disappears… No place to land! Will it be floating in the air, or what?
The Spirit is God who comes to this earth second time to give us the water of life (Hebrews 9:28), as a man. And when He comes, He will testify His Bride, who is God the Mother.
The slanderers also insist that Adam represents the Christ (Romans 5:14). But they don’t understand that if Adam represents the Christ, His flesh and bone also must represent Eve, which means that Eve must also represent God; who is God the Mother.
Jerusalem above (heaven) is our Mother (Galatians 4:26), and She must be God the Mother.
When Revelation 21 occurs after the end of the world, no one can receive the water of life nor can enter the kingdom of heaven.
Don’t be deceived with the insistences of the slanderers (who deny Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother (Korean: 어머니하나님) who do not follow the commandments of God like the Passover of the new covenant and the Sabbath day. Only through the root of David we can understand Revelation and all the prophecies. If you want to learn the truth about God the Mother, come to the World Mission Society Church of God (WSMCOG) (Korean: 하나님의교회 세계복음선교협회) that was established by Christ Ahnsahnghong. (See Spanish version here).
God the Mother who is the bride in Revelastion 21 came to this earth in fresh for our salvation.
Amen! According to the prophecy of the Bible, God the Mother came to the earth in the flesh to give us the water of life (eternal life) along with God the Father (Revelation 22:17.)
We must know that the Book of Revelation was not record chronological.
If one insists that Heavenly Jerusalem must come after the earth is dedtroyed,he or she must read again Rev22:9 which says one of the seven angels who was holding the bowls of the last plagues….so before the last plagues our Heavenly Mother,the Holy City Jerusalem was seen coming down (on this earth).some people have been heavily blinded hence they come with these silly arguments.they cannot see things that are so clear in the Bible.
I feel sorry for them because their spiritual eyes have been badly wounded by the devil.
What a illogical argument it is ! Without having eternal life, no one can enter the kingdom of heaven, so It is natural that ” before the end of the world” , the Spirit and the Bride must give us the water of life(eternal life) as written in the Bible.
It is a common sense! Thanks for your comment AZstar. God bless you!
Such ridiculous claimmants are always found false. So that’s why God left the Bible for us!
Amen. True.
The reason why God the Mother appears is to save us. If following the words of slanders,she doesn’t need to come to this earth. So,she has to come first for saving us b4 at the end of the earth.
That is so true lebekah. God bless you! She must appear to sabe us. That’s why She must be ready for the Heavenly wedding banquet in these last days.
That is so true lebekah. Let’s all pray that every person can have the chance to enter salvation. Amen.
In this age, the Spirit and the bride give us the water of life or eternal life. We should come to the World Mission Society Church of God to meet the Spirit and the bride [Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother] to receive the water of life.
You might think how Ahnsahnghong can be the Spirit? However, if you look into the Bible and study the prophecies wherein, you will understand the Christ Ahnsahnghong is the Savior of this age, who has come to fulfill all prophecies of the Bible. He fulfilled the prophecies including the prophecy of David’s throne and of the fig tree. (For more information, please visit http://crc.ac/category/world-mission-society-church-of-god/father-ahnsahnghong/ )
We sure can realize Christ Ahnsahnghong is the Christ with all the prophecies recorded in the Bible. And more to this, we definitely must have firm faith towards our Heavenly Mother for allowing us salvation.