It’s written, “All your children will be taught by the LORD [God], and great will be their peace (Isaiah 54:13).” This prophecy was fulfilled by Jesus 2,000 years ago.
Then, where can meet God in this age? The Bible says that God will teach His people in Zion in the last days:
It’s prophesied that God will teach us in Zion in the last days. The mountain of the Lord’s temple means Zion. Therefore, it’s written, “The law will go out from Zion.”
Where is Zion? Does it refer to Palestine in the Middle East? About Zion, the prophet Isaiah wrote as follows:
Zion is “the city where we celebrate our religious festivals” (GNT). Religious festivals? You might think of Sunday service, Christmas and Thanksgiving Day. Unfortunately, they are not God’s festivals but man-made ones. We cannot get salvation if you keep man-made rules.
We should keep God’s festivals such as the Sabbath and the Passover of the new covenant. Please see the following Cult Research Center (CRC) article for more information on Zion:
Today, only the World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) keeps God’s festivals or the new covenant. What does this mean? As the prophet Micah wrote, God will teach us in Zion in this age. Therefore, you can meet God at the World Mission Society Church of God because the Church of God is Zion where God’s feasts are celebrated.
According to the prophecy of the God, Christ Ahnsahnghong restored the ruined Zion with the new covenant. If you come to the World Mission Society Church of God, you can meet the Savior of this age.
we can meet Elohim God, our Saviors, in Zion where keep the Feasts of the New Covenant. Today, the Church where keep the Feasts of God is only Church of God (WMSCOG).
we are living in the age of the Holy Spirit. According to the Bible’s recording, the Place where we can meet God, our Savior, is only Zion where keep the Feasts of God, the New Covenant. also, God dwells in Zion. so if you want to meet God and to be saved, you must seek where Zion is and come to Zion. WMSCOG is only the Church where keep the New Covenant. and Elohim God, God the Father and God the Mother, dwell in WMSCOG.
Zion is the place where God prepared to save His people.
Today, like as 2000 years ago, Zion is the Church of God.
that’s right!
WMSCOG (World Mission Society Church of God) where keep the Feasts of the New Covenant that Jesus established 2000 years ago is only the Church where we can be saved thru the promise of God.
Many Christians do not know exactly where Zion is and where it is.
Zion is where God’s Feasts is kept, because people does not know the Feasts.
The feast of God is detailed in Leviticus 23.
Thanks to Christ Ahnsahnghong who allowed me to find the true church!
Although there are many churches, only one church follows the words of God. We, the children of God should stay safe in Zion where God’s festivals are prepared.
We can meet God only at the spiritual Zion where God’s feasts are celebrated. Then what is ZION? It is World Mission Society Church of God where we can meet and worship God as per the appointed time that God commanded us to celebrate. Please come to WMSCOG, spiritual Zion to meet God.
that’s right! WMSCOG is the spiritual Zion where Elohim God dwell and keep the feasts of the New Covenant. I hope all people come to Zion and to be saved.
God has come to the Zion because God wants to be there and establishes the new covenant in the last day through the prophecies of the Bible.
Where the appointed feasts if God are being kept, is the place where God is teaching His children in these last days.That place is non other than the World Mission Society Church of God. A mountain (church),exalted above other mountains.
In Zion there is forgiveness of sins and the blessings of life forever more. Elohim God have chosen us and called us to Zion, the city of God’s feasts. We can be protected when we are dwell there.
Thanks to God Elohim that calling us the most safety place Zion which is WMSCOG!
we can meet God in Zion!!
Amen. Thanks to call me to zion. Through the bible that zion is WMSCOG.
We are God’s true children because we keep the Festivals and the new Covenant Elohim God established for us.
There is no place we can keep God’s feast on this earth except Church of God. Church of God is zion which was prophesied in the Bible.
Amen! WMSCOG is only the Church where keep the feasts of God. so WMSCOG is spiritual Zion where God appointed His blessing, eternal life.
I met God testified in the Bible. They dwell in Zion where celebrating God’s feasts that is the World Mission Society Church of God. The place keeps all of feasts. Therefore, We have to be taught by Christ Ahnsahnghong n God the Mother in Zion
Look upon Zion, the city of our festivals.(ISA 33:20)
Also, we will meet God Elohim there and be taught by God who gives us salvation. God the Father and God the Mother are surely our true Savior in Zion!
Come to Zion. There is God the father and you can heard the new covenant.
The trust of God is only in the Zion!
I also keep the commandment of God. I went to my church on Sunday and keep every festival in my church. Therefore, my church is Zion, too. The thought that WMSCOG Is only Zion is wrong.
Thanks for your comment.
Sunday and Christmas are far from God’s commandments.
Christmas is the birthday of the sun-god. And Sunday originated from a pagan custom for celebrating the sun-god.
Please refer to the following articles:
The Origin of Christmas –
Finding the Roots of Sunday Worship –
Before attending WMSCOG, I also went to church in Sunday. But I couldn’t find Sunday worship in the Bible.
Jesus and His disciples never kept to worship every Sunday.
It’s prophesied that God will teach us in Zion in the last days. Zion is the perfect place!
We can meet our God at Zion where celebrating God’s feasts. Now,our God waiting for us in Zion for our salvation. Come!!
Always be filled with happiness and pleasure when in Zion. Completely believe that God the Father and God the Mother are always with us.
Only Zion is the place God can dwell. Therefore if we want to meet God, we must go to Zion.
Don’t forget it!!
I have recently heard about church of god, WMSCOG from my friend or my coworker. It is interesting to see this article they told me.
Frankly, I cannot deny the claim of wmscog about sabbath and passover as the God’s festivals in some way bcuz they are recorded in the Bible. But I cannot believe in their christ Ahnsahnghong.
Thanks for your comments.
Please refer to the following page to find out the prophecies fulfilled by Christ Ahnsahnghong:
God Bless You!
Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Fatherʼs name written on their foreheads.
Revelation 14:1
This calls for patient endurance on the part of the people of God who keep his commands and remain faithful to Jesus.”
Revelation 14:12
Commands of God is the Sabbath and the Passover, not the Sunday service and the Christmas.
There is the spiritual Zion where the people of God can be save at the last day.
It’s so true. The Bible clearly says that those who will be saved keep God’s commands as well as have faith.
God’s commands include the Sabbath day and the Passover of the new covenant. Sunday and Christmas are man-made commands only.
Before I realize the Bible not just read, I believed X-mas is real Jesus birthday and sunday is Lord’s day. I can not understand them who teach us X-mas. They really don’t know X-mas is not birthday?
I think some people know that Christmas is not the birthday of Jesus. Even I saw a TV program which tells the origin of Christmas before.
However, it seems that it’s not important to them.
I give thanks to Christ Ahnsahnghong for opening my spiritual eyes to realize the truth.
God dwell in the Zion where God’s feasts are celebrated.
Amen! According to the prophecy of the Bible, we can meet God in Zion.
There isn’t spiritual Zion. There is only physical Zion in jerusalem.
Thanks for your comment.
The Spiritual Zion is where God’s feasts are celebrated.
God bless you!
When you want to find out what kind of place the spiritual Zion is, you need to understand the relationship between King David and Jesus first. Then you surely can understand why many people call the Church of God Zion. The spiritual Zion is the dwelling place of God for ever and ever. It is the place where the blessing of eternal life is given to the people who are destined to die.
Bible testified that God dwells in zion, so we can meet God at zion.
Zion is the place where keep the feast of God.
Amen. As bible says that God will teach us in zion and zion is a place where we keep God’s festivals, we could meet Elohim God who is the savior of this age in the zion, the World Mission Society Church of God that keeps God’s festival perfectly. Thanks to God for leading me to zion.
The place where we can meet true God is Zion. It is bcuz God has chosen Zion, he has desired it for his dwelling ( Psalms 132:13 ).
The genuine Zion that the Bible testifies is the World Mission Society Church of God that keeps the feasts of the New Covenant as the example of Jesus, and its members believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother as Gods incarnate.
Zion is the only the place that God dwell in.
WMSCOG is Zion. We can devote to God through keep the God’s festivals.
Let’s meet our God in Zion. Our God who has come in a new name of Christ.
only in the Zion “the city where we celebrate our religious festivals” you can meet the God today.
Then what is religious festivals? If you study the bible closely you will learn that Sabbath day, Passover and Tabernacles etc. are the religious festivals. Nowadays only WMSCOG keeps God’s festival.
Please come to Zion (WMSCOG) and meet the Savior of this age!
that’s right!
I agree with you comment. indeed, we are blessed because we know where Zion is.