The World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) does not celebrate Christmas. Why do they not celebrate Christmas?
The reason the Church of God does not keep Christmas
Almost all people around the world celebrate Jesus’ birth on Christmas (Dec. 25). However, the exact birthdate of Jesus is not recorded in the Bible. It just says that the shepherds, who were keeping watch over their flocks in the fields, praised Jesus (Luke 2:8.)
It’s impossible to keep watch over flocks in the fields in the cold winter; so it’s not possible for Jesus to be born in winter.
The Early Church did not celebrate Jesus’ birthday. Where did Christmas or December 25th originate from?
December 25 is NOT Jesus’ birthday,but the sun-god’s. Christmas originated from a pagan festival for the unconquered sun.
Encyclopedia Britannica
Christmas is not based on the Bible, but a mere rule taught by men. Those who celebrate Christmas participate in worshiping the sun-god, not Jesus. You know, we cannot get salvation with man-made rules such as Christmas.
The World Mission Society Church of God members do not celebrate Christmas. Instead, the WMSCOG members keep the Passover of the New Covenant by following the teachings of Jesus and Christ Ahnsahnghong who restored the New Covenant accoding to the prophecy of the Bible.
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