The World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) believes in Christ Ahnsahnghong as the Savior of this age of the Holy Spirit. Why do the Church of God members believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong as the Savior? It’s because He fulfilled all the prophecies of the Bible regarding the Second Coming Jesus including the prophecy of the fig tree and the prophecy of King David’s throne.
The Savior and the New Name, Christ Ahnsahnghong
God divided 6,000 years of the Redemption Period into three ages and allowed a different Savior’s name for each age.

Before Ascension, Jesus said, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19.)
It means that there are the name of the Father, the name of the Son and the name of the Holy Spirit. Then, what is the name of the Father, what is the name of the Son and what is the name of the Holy Spirit?
Without knowing the name of the Holy Spirit, we cannot get salvation in this age. We should seek salvation through the name of the Holy Spirit or New Name of Jesus in the age of the Holy Spirit.
The true meaning of the Trinity
If you understand the true meaning of the Trinity, you will realize that God Jehovah, God the Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit Christ Ahnsahnghong are same and one God: They are not separate but one.
In the age of the Father, God Jehovah was the Savior and the Israelites could be saved only through the name “Jehovah”.
In the age of the Son, God the Son Jesus was the Savior, and people could be saved only through the name “Jesus”.
Now we are living in the age of the Holy Spirit: we can get salvation only through the name of the Holy Spirit or Christ Ahnsahnghong in this age.
Jesus opened the way to eternal life and the forgiveness of sins by establishing the Passover of the New Covenant.
However, the Passover of the New Covenant was abolished in AD325 and no one could keep it until Christ Ahnsahnghong restored it according the prophecy of the Bible.
According to Hebrews 9:28 (“so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him”), we must seek and meet the Second Coming Christ who will appear to bring salvation by bringing the Passover of the New Covenant back to us.
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