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A girl who would live forever…

A news article attracted my attention: a two-year old girl named Matheryn Noavaratpong has been cryopreserved in the hope she will one day be revived. She lost 80 per cent of the left side of her brain due to brain tumor. Despite putting up a tough fight, the cancer...

Do you truly love me?

Two thousand years ago, Jesus said to Simon Peter three times, “Do you truly love me?” At his questions, Peter repeated the same answer: “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” After confirming his consistent and passionate mind, Jesus entrusted...

But the greatest of these is love

For Christians, the ultimate goal of faith is salvation. To achieve this goal, the hope of the kingdom of heaven and faith based on such hope are needed. In addition, the practice of faith is the love toward God and neighbors. Therefore, love is possible only when...